Research & Publication
Youth are change agent of communities even though they are marginalized. Youth are not important communities of our government. In this context, there is train of only few budgets allocate on youth sector. Federation conduct assessment and Published government budget analysis report covering youth responsive plan and program also. It was the first initiation to increase youth responsive budget on government level. The overall objective of the publication was to explorer reality of government investment on youth sector and highlight of important of youth for further development of nation.
On behalf of Youth NGO Federation Nepal, Youba aawaj bulletin is publishing monthly. Bulletin focus on to explore youth issue in communities and highlight the activities of youth NOGs and federation. Regularly bulletin publishes interview, article, information and activities.
The First Programme:
Assessment of the Youth Partnership Programme of Ministry of Youth and Sports was conducted at September and October 2011. It was the first programme conducted by Youth NGO Federation Nepal on the partnership with Resistless Development and MOYS. A total of 135 people in 36 recipient organizations (staff, executive board members and other representatives) and 209 project beneficiaries were interviewed for the assessment from different location Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktpur, Kavre, Kailali, Kanchanpur, Parbat, Baglung, Bake, Dang, Dhading, Makanpur, Dhankuta and Sunsari. It was the first programme assessment in the Youth Ministry conducted by an external independent organization. 17 youth assessors were selected and trained before conducting the programme assessment. The assessment was conducted according to pre-agreed standards with MOYS.
The overall objective of the programme assessment was to assess recipient organization's capacity to implement programmes.
The programme assessment examined and analyzed the following areas:
1. Programme Management
2. Monitoring
3. Reporting
4. Human Resource Management
5. Organization Management
6. Governance
7. Financial Management
MOYS staff and local youth partnership programme committees were found to be essential to the success of YPP because of their ability to provide services, access to local and district networks, and liaise with local organizations and youths. However, MOYS has experienced difficulties in coordinating a detailed level of cooperation with these bodies due to the lack of local staff's time. Currently the local committee is chaired by LDO, which is much occupied with other activities, so the local committee indicated that the local YPP can be lead by an assigned officer from DDC. This could help them to allocate time and resources appropriately.